Solid Waste Management

SILT has provided services belonging to this sector during the studies and design of various infrastructure projects as well as for specific environmental projects. The services provided pertain to the following fields of specialization:

  • Prepare National Level Environmental and Social Sector Policies, Prepare Guideline and Manuals for Environmental and Social Analysis and Studies
  • Environmental Studies including Environmental Screening, Full Scale EIA and IEE Studies
  • Socio-Cultural and Socio-economic Studies and Conduct Social Impact Assessment
  • Conduct Baseline Survey of Environmental and Social Components of Project Areas
  • Impact Identification, Prediction and Preparation of Mitigation Measures
  • Prepare Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan
  • Prepare Environmental Management Action Plan (EMAP) and Social Management Action Plan
  • Prepare Environmental and Social Impact Audit Plan
  • Prepare Resettlement Policy Framework and Prepare Resettlement Action Plan
  • Prepare Indigenous Peoples / Vulnerable Community Development Framework; Preparation and Implementation of Vulnerable Community Development Plan
  • Implementation of EMAP and Social Management Action Plan, Monitoring and Reporting
  • Implementation of Resettlement Action Plan, Monitoring and Reporting
  • Water, Air and Noise Pollution Measurement, Testing and Monitoring
  • HIV/AIDS and Anti Trafficking Plan Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring, and Benefit Analysis
  • Environmental Education and Environmental Awareness Programme Design and Implementation
  • Conservation of Bio-Diversity including Wild Flora and Fauna
  • Bio-Engineering Design and Implementation
  • Mineral Geology, Exploration and Reserve Calculation of Resources
  • GLOF and Seismic Studies
  • Sabo Engineering
  • Integrated Solid Waste Management Studies, Undertake Management, and Composting of Organic Waste